1. These experts will talk about their biodesign practice at  How Do You Do Biodesign on 23 January 2014.
    2. Dit zijn de experts die tijdens How Do You Do Biodesign op 23 januari vertellen over hoe zij biodesign inpassen in hun onderzoek en ontwerppraktijk.

      Eric-Jan Pleijster

      Landschapsarchitect Eric-Jan Pleijster is medeoprichter van LOLA landscape architects dat met landschapsonderzoek en -ontwerp vergeten, vervallen en veranderende landschappen nieuw leven wil inblazen. Daar werkt Eric-Jan aan stedelijke, en regionale onderzoeks- en ontwerpopgaven, zoals ‘Regionaal Landschapsontwerp Grevelingen’ (2009), ‘Stadsrandenatlas van de Zuidvleugel (2011) en ‘Recreatieve Verbinding Poelzone (2013). Met het bureau won hij onder andere Europan8 in Portugal (2006), de Delta Water Award (2009) en de Maaskantprijs voor Jonge Architecten (2013).

      Liam Young

      Liam Young is an independent urbanist, futurist, critic and curator. He was named by Blueprint magazine as one of 25 people who will change architecture and design in 2010. He is one of the coordinators of the nomadic design studio Unknown Fields Division and is a founder of the think tank Tomorrows Thoughts Today, a group whose work explores the consequences of fantastic, perverse and underrated urbanisms. His projects deploy fictional near-future scenario’s as critical instruments for instigating debate about the social, the architectural, and political consequences of emerging biological and technological futures.

      Nadine Bongaerts 

      Nadine Bongaerts en Eva Brinkman namen in 2010 met een team deel aan de jaarlijkse internationale wetenschappelijke wedstrijd iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine), georganiseerd door het Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston. iGEM daagt internationale studententeams uit om een micro-organisme te voorzien van nieuwe biologische bouwstenen. Met hun project, een bacterie met olie afbrekende eigenschappen, behoorden zij tot de top 6 van 124 teams. Deze ervaring vormde de basis voor hun bedrijf Biotecture dat zich inzet voor kennisontwikkeling en bewustwording op het gebied van life sciences.

      Ellen ter Gast

      Ellen ter Gast is opgeleid als medisch bioloog en filosoof en heeft zich vervolgens als onderzoeker en consultant verdiept in strategisch management en organisatie-inrichting. Door haar multidisciplinaire achtergrond is zij een typische 'integrative thinker'; zij haalt inspiratie en inzichten uit de exploratie van de grensvlakken tussen verschillende disciplines.
      Daar waar biologie en bedrijfskunde samenkomen laat ze zich inspireren door het principe van de levende (en lerende) organisatie. Op de grens tussen natuur en techniek heeft de muis, de pionier in de biotech revolutie, haar uitgedaagd om over grenzen heen te denken.

      Anna Dumitriu

      Anna Dumitriu is a visual and performance artist who’s work is at the forefront of art and science collaborative practice, with a strong interest in the ethical issues raised by emerging technologies. Her installations, interventions and performances use a range of biological, digital, and traditional media including live bacteria, robotics, interactive media, and textiles. She has a strong international exhibition profile, having exhibited at The Science Gallery in Dublin, The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Taipei, and The V & A Museum in London. 

      Arne Hendriks: The Incredible Shrinking Man

      Arne Hendriks is an artist and exhibition maker and works passionately in the field of open-design, hacking, speculative research, education and the fine culture of repair. He’s almost 2 meters tall but not too happy about it. Especially when he found out that every centimeter above 152 cm takes about 6 months of your life expectation. People grow taller and as a direct result we need more energy, more food and more space. But what if we decided to turn this trend around? What if we use our knowledge to shrink mankind? 

      Mike Thompson

      After graduating from the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2009, Mike Thompson set up his own studio focusing upon design and future thinking. His work explores both old and new technologies in order to generate fresh relationships between function and behaviour, questioning common codes of conduct. His aim is to create a body of work blending his research based design approach with an interest in current issues and technology to reflect and comment upon society both in the present and the future. As such his work touches upon issues such as sustainability, biotechnology and psychology.

      Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg

      Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg is a designer, artist and writer who uses the medium of design to interrogate emerging technologies, science, and the function of design itself. As Design Fellow on Synthetic Aesthetics, an NSF/EPSRC-funded project at Stanford University and the University of Edinburgh, she has been curating an international programme researching synthetic biology, art and design, investigating how we might ‘design nature.’ Her recent projects include ‘The Synthetic Kingdom’, a proposal to recognize a new branch of the biological tree of live.

      Jessica de Boer

      Jessica de Boer is een kunstenaar en onderzoeker die langs de grenzen tussen kunst en wetenschap werkt. Ze is afgestudeerd aan de Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunst in Den Haag bij de interfaculteit ArtScience en heeft daarvoor haar docterandus behaald in Bestuurskunde en Duurzaamheid aan de Universiteit Twente. In haar installaties vinden natuurlijke processen autonoom hun weg. Haar werk laat zien dat materie, of dat wat lijkt op niet-leven, in wisselwerking met andere stoffen in beweging komt en verandert en daarmee leven suggereert. Recentelijk is ze begonnen met een PhD over het "Elastische Energielandschap" aan de Universiteit Groningen.

      Michael Hensel

      Michael Ulrich Hensel is a German architect, researcher, educator and writer, and amongst others Professor Research by Design at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. His main areas of interest are ‘Performance-oriented Design’ and ‘Performance-oriented Architecture’. Hensel has been a key proponent of interdisciplinary research by design in architecture since the mid-1990s, founder and current chairman of OCEAN Design Research Association and SEA - Sustainable Environment Association. He is a prolific writer whose work has been published world-wide.

      Ferdinand Ludwig
      Ferdinand Ludwig studied architecture and graduated with his PhD thesis “Botanis- che Grundlagen der Baubotan- ik und deren Anwendung im Entwurf”. He is a pioneering architect in the field of Living Plant Constructions (Baubo- tanik). In the recent years
      he designed and realized highly regarded projects that combine growth processes of living plants with an engineer- ing approach. In 2007 he was one of the co-founders of the “Research Group Baubotanik” at the Institute of Architectural Theory at the University of Stuttgart.

      Daniel Schoenle
      Daniel Schoenle studied architecture and urban plan- ning at Universitaet Stuttgart, Germany. He graduated in 2002 with a thesis on urban development in Paris. As an architect and urban planner with a practice in Stuttgart, he works in interdisciplinary cooperation with various national and international offices and partners. In addi- tion to practical planning, Daniel Schoenle engages in research and teaching at vari- ous universities.

      Floris Schiferli
      Floris Schiferli is an urban and architectural designer at Superuse Studios (formerly known as 2012 Architecten). Superuse Studios is a Rot- terdam based architecture firm with 15 years experience in building for a sustainable society. Superuse believes
      in the added value of the latent properties of used materials and products to new products and buildings. Superuse’s strategy is about superusing available flows and resources and connecting them into urban ecosystems.

      Gerjan Streng
      Gerjan Streng is architect and researcher. Together with the other members of The Cloud Collective he explores the changing world of architec- tural design. In the context of the Studio for Unsolicited Architecture they developed the online platform Open Source City that combines demographical, spatial and economical data in maps. In collaboration with Werkend Landschap and Jaap van der Salm they now work on the transformation of Polaroid ter- rain according to the analogy of gardening.

      Virgil Rerimassie
      Virgil Rerimassie is junior researcher at the Technology Assessment Departement of Rathenau Instituut. His field of expertise is the ethical, legal and societal aspects of emerging technologies such as synthetic biology. He is also one of the participants in the international project Global Ethics in Science and Technology (GEST) that researches the role of eth-
      ics in decision making about science and technology. Virgil graduated in constitutional and administrative law (LLM) and European Studies on Society, Science and Technology (MA)

      Ingrid van der Heijden
      The Cloud Collective is an open, multidisciplinary studio of spatial designers. After a career as communication expert (SNS bank, Transavia airlines), Ingrid van der Hei- jden switched career paths to architect/furniture making. At The Cloud Collective she is responsible for the development of the winning concept of algae park ‘Culture Urbaine’ in Genève.

  1. Het Nieuwe Instituut
  3. Nederlands Architectuurinstituut (NAi)
  4. Premsela, Nederlands Instituut voor Design en Mode
  5. Virtueel Platform, kennisinstituut voor e-cultuur
  1. Museumpark 25
  2. Rotterdam
  1. +31 (0)10 4401200
  2. service@thenewinstitute.nl
  3. hetnieuweinstituut.nl
